Do you believe in magic? As a hidden proposal photographer there is always a little magic right before my eyes. And moreover, I am the part of this exciting and thrilling moment!
As a rule, to create perfect proposal there are long, uneasy preparations. An experienced, professional secret engagement photographer can help you to overcome all the difficulties on the road of this trip. Whether you chose the right location, time and even the way to make a surprise for your beloved one, I am always here to share my experience with you! By the way, right now you can read some recommendations to make you engagement perfect.
Brittany and Andrew’s surprise proposal was something incredible! Andrew called me in advance to discuss everything in detail, so an engagement itself and a photo session became a total surprise for Brittany! Of course, she was very touched and excited, however we could cope with stress and made a wonderful photography!
We managed to create some funny, positive photographs too!
We took photographs on the beach, one of the most romantic and beautiful locations in my opinion. The background of water, sand and sky can’t disappoint. Even light was incredible that day. How can I not believe in magic when I see it with my own eyes? Just look at these pictures!
Thank you so much, Brittany and Andrew, for this unforgettable secret engagement photo session. If there is a chance I am looking forward to working with you again!
We are working professionally in engagement and wedding photography. Find out more about our offer on these services: here you can learn more about the services of wedding photographer and here about the engagement photographer services.

Article author:
Dennis A. / Lead Photographer