Being the photographer for a secret engagement is always a wonderful experience for me! I believe having engagement photos prior to the wedding is almost as important as the wedding day photos. The engagement photo session is a time for couples to be together, be playful, and just be themselves.he is on knees

Derek and Sara perfectly show us what a good hidden engagement photo shoot should be! Sincere emotions, wide smiles and a great mood – what could be better for this day! The photo session took place in the Waterfront park which never disappoints. We managed to take photos on the background of greenery, water and amazing Pineapple Fountain. Beautifully situated in the right middle of Charleston’s Waterfront Park, this fountain offers a great photo opportunity. If you’ve never seen it with your own eyes, then consider it a sign to go and see! But for now you can enjoy it through my photos.the kiss after proposal

Derek and Sara were very active and happy couple, I really loved working with them. That’s why it was a big pleasure for me to know that they liked all the photographs. If there is a chance I am really looking forward to working with them again!secret proposal in Waterfront park

Secret engagement photo session was amazing. Thank you so much for the chance to be a part of this important day!they are on the bridgethey are near the fountain

We are working professionally in engagement and wedding photography. Find out more about our offer on these services: here you can learn more about the services of engagement photographer.

    Dennis Aliaksandrou: The Charleston Wedding Photographer

    Article author:
    Dennis A. / Lead Photographer