The clothes are a crucial part of the elopement, as crucial as the bride and groom themselves. We would like to share with you some elopement gown ideas together with the overall philosophy of outfit choosing. Looking back at the years of my small wedding photographer experience, I can assure that your confidence and happiness are important. So, the first advice is to wear something that gives you confidence and comfort. This energy will brighten all your pictures.
Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it. − Yves Saint Laurent. Aside from all the laces, veils, and embroidery the heart of every outlook is a woman. Or a man because it applies to men too. Take this mindset and choose the clothing that matches your personality.
Now it’s time to think about the visual part. There are so many ways to make your outlook unique. In fact, if you are ready to consider casual elopement dress, your options become limitless. Minimalistic dresses can be easily combined with any accessories that come to your mind. Massive earrings and bracelet can add some chic to your outlook, while delicate jewelry can make it even more gentle.
If you prefer a romantic style, then the lace dress can be the best option for you. Such dresses are quite popular among the summer brides, as they create a laidback atmosphere. Courageous ladies may consider feather decorated dresses. Thus, your elopement outfit won’t be boring. Cute, but not your type? Then you may like trim blazer dresses. They look more formal yet incredibly stylish. Wrap dresses are timeless and fabulous. Find the design that you like most and you will look stunning. Besides, this type of dress is good for winter elopement. It gives you more comfort in cold weather. There are also a couple of options for those who do not like dresses at all. Look at the modern jumpsuits for your small wedding. If they are not functional for you, then a variety of wedding suits can be your option. One more point: do not be afraid of cheap outfits. Just try it! And after a thorough search you can find a true gem among them.
Speaking about the styles we forgot to mention the color. Honestly, you can choose any color you like. No one can make you wear white for your micro wedding. Men’s outfits also do not have to be formal and traditional. If the pair of sneakers boost his serotonin, you know what to do. Now you have some food for thought. We hope you will find your perfect elopement outfit.

Article author:
Dennis A. / Lead Photographer