There was a great event on the 10th of August, that I was happy to capture in photos. I was invited to Vince and April’s wedding party, where I had a really great time and saw the endless and sincere love, existence of which I could observe always when taking a session as a Charleston wedding photographer.




The ceremony took place at Grate Church Cathedral in Charleston. The place was amazing! The church was decorated with different kinds of flowers, that made the atmosphere even more romantic and touching. The couple looked perfect in the background of all the matching colors and decorations. It was so pleasing for me to see such a harmony. The ceremonial photos are wonderful! Just have a look at them!



The atmosphere that people made was so warm and lovely, all the relatives came to see the event of Vince and April’s first step into living together. Even children from past marriages were present at their parents’ wedding and were happy to become brothers and sisters. The guests made me feel fantastic during the party. I loved being in this circle of friends and felt all the happiness and absolute love they were full on that wonderful day. We had quite nice conversations during the wedding and I am still happy I could share their joy.





What really surprised me at the ceremony is the pastor, who is a woman. I have never seen that before. Every aspect of this wedding party was pleasing to the eye!



At the end I would like to wish Vince and April a lot of joy and satisfaction of living together, strength to build common future and future of their kids: both they already have and they will have. And of course plenty of love in the house and their souls! Congratulations!









We are working professionally in engagement and wedding photography. Find out more about our offer on these services: here you can learn more about the services of wedding photographer and here about the engagement photographer services.

    Dennis Aliaksandrou: The Charleston Wedding Photographer

    Article author: Dennis A. / Lead Photographer