Engagement is always a lovely and beautiful event. Usually a man does everything possible to keep it a secret till the right moment. In spite of this, everybody wants to do the utmost to excite and wonder the beloved, see her happy sparkling eyes and make her say the sacramental word «yes». So, you have to find out the ideal time and place without an opportunity to ask the chosen one. But don’t worry and get embarrassed! At such a time it’s better to call a good Charleston engagement photographer, who can share his or her experience and help to choose the best place to propose your soul mate.
Julia and Kaith have arrived in Charleston on vacation. Of course, the man had been planning to propose the woman for some time. But he didn’t know the city and suitable places for this significant event. Therefore, when he got in touch with me, the man asked for my advice. I sent him a few variants of a Charleston engagement photography in different beautiful places. He liked some photos very much and went to the venue personally. The man remained absolutely satisfied with it, so the problem was solved.
The couple turned out to be very open, cheerful and lively. All the photos proved to be bright, interesting, beautiful. The sincere joy and surprise of the pretty woman can touch everybody who will look at the shoots.The photo session was really funny, we were smiling and laughing all the time. The couple was very enthusiastic, so we didn’t have any problems with ideas for photos. Can you resist their bright and happy smiles?
Julia, a sunny woman, shared a story about their first meeting, ‘Keith and I met through mutual friends in college. The first day we met, keith was playing a game and I noticed him right away. I noticed how tall he was and thought he looked like Michael phelps. I told my friend I wanted to meet him. It’s not a very exciting story!’ How often a usual meeting becomes beginning of long romantic relationships! Such stories are always kept in our hearts for the whole life.
The place Kaith chose finally was the neighborhood of I’On, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. This place is one of the most magnificent points in the city. I think, even a nice small pre-wedding photography will succeed here. The place is often called a «small Venice». And the venue deserves its name perfectly. Secret narrow walking trails, long beautiful front paths, alluring high trees make this location look like a fairytale place. You can also find a deep water access boat ramp, outdoor amphitheatre, 2 lakes and 12 pocket parks. This place must surely merit a visit not only for a photo session, but for a relaxing walk or the first date. Spectacular views here are breathtaking in their variety. The nature of the place creates an inexpressible intimate atmosphere. It has even made the woman tell of one interesting moment in the relationships, ‘Funny story about our relationship: the first time keith texted me I was sleeping. I, somehow, responded in my sleep and said “hi brenden” I thought he was never going to talk to me again, but somehow it worked out’.
I enjoyed the Charleston engagement photo session in I’On, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina very much. It was very sunny, emotional and sincere.
Thank you, Julia and Kaith, for this excellent experience!
We are working professionally in engagement and wedding photography. Find out more about our offer on these services: here you can learn more about the services of wedding photographer and here about the engagement photographer services.

Article author:
Dennis A. / Lead Photographer