Bright and emotional, staged or spontaneous – wedding photos will remind you of this wonderful day. Being stunned by the wedding rush, you won’t have time to think about the exact photos you’d like to have on hand after. Here’s when our wedding photo checklist comes to rescue. It will give you some inspiration, tips and ideas, collected by me and my team over the years of wedding photography experience. The list is equally useful whether we work together full day or just a couple of hours.
Bride getting ready
This part of the wedding photography checklist includes everything related to the bride, starting with the dress and finishing with the bridal portraits. We capture all details and funny moments of the getting ready process, then first look with the bridesmaids, siblings and other dear people. It may take 1-2 hours, depending on the quantity of people. The key to a good photo session is to start it when everyone’s hair and makeup are done. So when the photographer arrives, it will be perfect if everyone is ready for the photo shooting.
1. Bride’s dress on monogrammed hanger
The wedding dress deserves special attention during the getting ready process. We always try to find a beautiful place with good lighting to take several photos of the dress on a hanger. Do not worry if you do not have a nice hanger, I usually have one on hand. It was ordered from France just for the wedding photo sessions.
2. Bride looking at the dress
If there is no chance to hang the dress, we will take photos of the bride holding it and looking at it. Tender fabric structure and design features can be visible as well. Alongside with the dress we will capture the getting ready attire, which also tends to have a nice outlook.
3. Bride and bridesmaids in getting ready attire
Depending on the location, we can create candid and fun pictures. The bride and the bridesmaids can sit on the sofa or on the bed, or they can stand against some pretty background. We’ll try to use everything we have in a room to get amazing photos.
4. Bridal party with drinks
This one will look wonderful with the champagne. Whether you are trying to open it or already have it in your flutes. Other drinks are good as well. It is such an obvious prop that adds more details and dynamic to the picture.
5. Bridal details
Details matter, so we can’t go without shooting them. If you have a couple of minutes, prepare all the things you are going to use: invitations, rings, jewelry, perfume, shoes, ribbons, something borrowed, something blue, hair clips, flowers – whatever you have on hand. Even if you do not have a lot of stuff, bring whatever you can. Put these things in one place, so when the photo session begins, we will be able to arrange them in a beautiful way. I always bring 7 of the most popular textured backgrounds, we can lay all stuff on them. Also I have a lot of vintage pieces, such as scissors, laces and ring boxes. If it looks like we can add something else in the photo, I will use these nice things.
6. Bride getting hair and makeup done
We capture this beautiful process as a part of your wedding story. There is some magic in creating beauty on such a special day.
7. Bride with maid of honor getting ready
Wedding photos are important not just for the newlyweds, but also for the dearest people involved. Thus we capture interaction between the bride and maid of honor. Here you can put on jewelry, check your hair or simply hug each other and have fun.
8. Bride with mom putting dress on
Another dear person who is happy to be a part of wedding day is a mom. Look in the mirror together, button the dress, hug or kiss, do not be afraid to express your love.
9. Bride putting shoes on
This photo looks stylish and elegant. We’d recommend keeping the back straight. Shooting from different angles shows the beauty of the shoes and the style of the whole bridal image.
10. Bride opening gift and letter from groom
If you are planning to prepare a gift and letter, we will capture your reaction. Sincere emotions are the best part of the wedding day.
11. First look with father
The wedding day is special for your family. And your father is not an exception. Having a first look with the father is not only about his reaction to your stunning image, but also about seeing you unmarried for the last time. This touching moment deserves capturing.
12. Family of bride shot
This is a sort of a classic portrait with the parents. We will take photos from different angles and distances. Heart-warming pictures will take their places in albums.
13. First look with siblings
If you have siblings and they are up to this idea, we’ll be happy to capture their reactions. Siblings’ emotions and their communication are worth capturing, as they are so sincere and fun.
14. Bride with bouquet close up
Vibrant bouquet matching the aesthetic of your wedding is also something you’d like to have as a memory. Besides, the fresh flowers fade in several days, so it would be good to have a photo with them.
15. Bride first look with bridesmaids
This is an amazing idea for the photo. Seeing the excitement of the bridesmaids is priceless. We also try to catch this moment in video. Depending on the location, we can ask the girls to close their eyes and wait till the bride comes to them. If there is one more room, the bride can get ready there and come out to surprise the bridesmaids.
16. Full length bridal portraits
Now this is the time for taking photos of the bride only. Photo session at the picturesque venue is an amazing experience. Enjoy your look and we will capture this beauty.
17. Bridal portraits close up
Full length portrait is a good idea, yet it’s hard to see your emotions when you stand far from the camera. That’s why we will also capture details of your image and your happiness from a closer distance.
Groom getting ready
Groom’s photo session tends to take less time than the bride’s one. We start the shooting when the groom is almost ready. Believe me, there is a reason for it. Nobody wants to see the groom putting on his socks. Just kidding! Anyway, when the photographer comes to the venue, the groom and the groomsmen are better be ready. Depending on the location type and the weather, we can hold the photo session indoors or outdoors. For the indoor photo session the room should be tidy. If you have no time to do it, do not worry. I’d be happy to lend a helping hand.
1. Close up shots
The groom’s image is full of noteworthy details. It can be a boutonniere, a tie or cufflinks. Even the socks can be a nice or elegant detail of the image. We pay attention to these elements, as they create a mood and aesthetic of the outlook.
2. Mother of groom putting boutonniere on
This is a charming option for the candid photo. Groom’s mother carefully putting on the boutonniere looks so touching. If the mom can’t do it, then I will help you. After that we will take a staged photo with the boutonniere already put on. Both staged or candid, the picture with the mother of the groom will be nice and emotional.
3. Groom opening gift and letter from bride
If you plan gifts and letters exchange, there is one more chance for taking candid photos. We will shoot from a distance, so you won’t be bothered by our presence. Pictures will show your sincere reaction.
4. Groom and groomsmen with glasses
According to my experience, the groom and groomsmen never refuse to be photographed with a glass of whisky or any other drink. Everybody is having fun. The photos always turn out fun and dynamic. This photo session also allows the guys to blame the crafty photographer who made them drink alcohol. Ha-ha!
5. Groom shot
Here we focus on the portraits of the groom. While close up portraits show us expressions and emotions, the full portraits let us see the overall image of the groom. The photos can be taken indoors or outdoors, depending on the location. To make the picture more natural, the groom can walk during the photo shooting.
6. Groom with groomsmen
Group photos have endless options for posing. We will take staged pictures and funny ones. Both will look amazing in your photo album or on social media. I usually try to tease the guys so they laugh a lot and feel comfortable. This is the key to the great shots.
7. Candid getting ready shots
These photos are taken from a distance. We do not bother the guys while they are getting ready. Spontaneous photos show natural interaction between the groom and groomsmen.
First look: bride and groom photos
First of all we’d like to say, that first look is optional. That’s up to the couple to decide if they will have the first look on the wedding day. It has its pros and cons. Traditionally the groom is not supposed to see the bride before the ceremony. In that case, first look photos will not be included in your wedding shot list. The main advantage of the first look is the opportunity to have a private conversation before the ceremony. During the ceremony you won’t have a chance to talk.
We usually shoot the first look from a distance, so the couple could talk and share their feelings freely. Apart from the first reaction, we can also take couple portraits. Thus they can spend some time together. In turn, it will allow the couple to spend more time with the guests after the ceremony. If you do not plan the first look photo session, then we will shoot couple portraits during the cocktail hour.
1. First look and reactions
I always try to suggest several locations for the first look photos, so the bride could choose the best one. Then we will bring the groom there and find the spot, where he will not see the bride. We ask the groom not to turn his head until the bride touches his shoulder or calls him. After that we do not tell the couple what to do, so everything looks natural. The only thing we try to find out is what shoulder to touch. It will help us to choose the side where the groom’s reaction will be visible.
2. Fake first look
This is so funny! Not everyone would like to have this photo session. But if you decide to do it, then you will have so much fun. Usually the best man dresses like a lady and touches the groom’s shoulder. When the groom sees another man instead of the bride, he looks surprised. Then both men laugh a lot. We believe it is an amazing chance to have fun on a wedding day.
3. Bride and groom first touch
If the couple wouldn’t like to see each other before the ceremony, we can suggest first touch photos. Depending on the venue, we will find the suitable spot. Nice corners or doors are very good for these photos.
4. Couple portraits at the beach
After the first look we usually have enough time for taking more photos. If the venue is located near the beach, then we will go there. Beach landscapes have such a gentle color palette. It is a perfect background for romantic photos. We tend not to go too far, as the bride wears heels and can get tired of walking. There are many ways of shooting a portrait at the beach, we will suggest different options. And, of course, we will listen to the couple’s ideas and do as they like.
5. Couple portraits at park or plantation
If there is a park or plantation near the venue, we will easily find amazing spots for bride and groom portraits. Old trees, ponds and good lighting turn into a stunning background for your wedding photos.
6. Couple portraits at the downtown
The situation is the same here. Wedding photo session at Charleston downtown is a great idea. We can take photos near the historic buildings. The mixture of sophisticated architecture, palm trees and lush greenery compose beautiful photo backgrounds.
7. Couple portraits inside the building
The interior of the venue is a source of good backgrounds. We can’t ignore it. Windows can serve as a backdrop. We can take photos being in the same room with the couple or we can go outside while the couple stays inside.
8. Couple portraits with dogs
If your fluffy friends will be with you at the wedding, then we will take cute photos with them. Based on my experience, it is always good to have a dog sitter or a friend who will take care of the dogs during the wedding day. A pet photo session takes about 10 minutes, otherwise the dogs can get tired. One more pro tip: if your dog is really fluffy, take a brush or any other fur removal tool. Your pet will be excited to see you and will jump on you. It would be good if after the photo session you’ll have a chance to clean your clothes.
9. Couple portraits with umbrellas
Rain is not a reason to worry. We still can have fun and a nice photo session. I always have a couple of transparent umbrellas in my trunk. Raindrops and umbrellas make your photos unique.
10. Couple portraits with lighting mosaic letters
If you consider mosaic letters as a part of your wedding decoration, this is our chance to take the photos near them. Big lighting letters look very impressive in the pictures.
11. Sunset couple portraits
Let us know if you’re into the romantic sunset. It’s crucial to catch the right time. The sunset lighting is magical. Yet the photo depends on the location and the weather. To take the perfect picture I usually discuss it with the wedding planner, so the couple could sneak away in time.
Bridal party photos
During the bridal party photo session we take a lot of different photos and try many possible combinations. If there are more than 10 people from both sides, we ask them not to talk to each other while we are shooting. Otherwise they won’t be able to hear the photographer and we’ll have to spend time repeating the simplest things. Depending on the people’s mood and the newlyweds’ ideas, we can take only classic photos or all sorts of funny and crazy pictures.
1. Bridal party with trolley
Wedding is an event that includes some kind of beautiful transportation. This is our chance for taking nice photos. For example, we can show everybody going out of the trolley or simply standing beside it. One more idea: the kissing couple stands beside the trolley while the bridesmaids look out the windows (in case they can be opened).
2. Bridal party inside trolley or limousine
The transportation interior is usually pretty. So we also take photos inside of it. If there is enough room inside, you can stand and have fun. Or you can sit with flowers or drinks and still have amazing photos.
3. Bride with maid of honor and each bridesmaid
Such photos are essential for the wedding photo session. Bridesmaids are the dearest people, who came to share their happiness with the bride. Each of them will be happy to have a beautiful picture from the wedding.
4. Bride surrounded by bridesmaids’ flowers
This portrait looks splendid. It’s hard to imagine a bride that does not want to have one. If the bridesmaids bouquets are big enough to create the flower frame, we will definitely do it. The preparation will take some time, as we need to place all bouquets symmetrically. But this is so worth it.
5. Bride and bridesmaids
We always take 5-10 photos of the brides and the bridesmaids. Among them you will see classic pictures with lined up ladies with their bouquets. We will also take more intimate photos, showing the interaction between people. Dynamic pictures will show the company walking towards the camera. They tend to look stylish and natural.
6. Bride with groomsmen
Of course we capture the bride together with the groomsmen. At least one photo will be classic. And we will do some cheesy pics as well. They will put a smile on your face when you see them in your wedding album.
7. Groom with best men and each groomsman
The groom will also be photographed with his friends. Their situation is the same – the dearest people came to celebrate the wedding of their friend. Here we also take conventional photos and separate photos with each groomsman. If the guys are in the mood, we can shoot some cheesy pictures. In order not to catch them by surprise, we tell them about the funny pictures in advance. Thus the groomsmen have enough time to think about the posing.
8. Groom with bridesmaids
This is one more option for having a photo with dear friends. We always take conventional shots with people lined up. If there is enough time for various photos, we are glad to shoot more. It’s good to have different pictures with your friends.
9. Entire group photos
Whether they are classic or cheesy, group photos have endless options for posing. The variety of amazing shots is exciting. We can capture the group standing, dancing, singing, walking and having fun. Depending on the venue, we try to find the best and the most spacious spots, so people can move freely. Such photos tend to look sincere and natural.
Ceremony photos
The majority of ceremony photos are non-staged. We try to take as many pictures as we can, so later we can choose the best ones. A couple of tips from wedding photographers: please do not forget to smile during the ceremony. Sometimes the newlyweds look way too serious and later regret having such a concerned look in the photos. Also we usually ask the couple to do everything a bit slow, especially if we talk about key moments, such as rings exchange, kissing and the recession. Slow motion will help us to take better photos. It means a lot for both indoors and outdoors ceremonies. Although Charleston weddings tend to be filled with sunlight, we may face the lack of natural lighting indoors. And the slow motions come to the rescue.
1. Ceremony set-up with no guests
We try to capture the ceremony set-up when it’s empty. In order to do so, me or my second shooter arrive earlier and take photos from different angles. The decorated location looks so festive.
2. Welcome sign
This is a detail shot. Welcome signs are so sophisticated, they deserve our attention. Made with love and creativity, they are so good to look at.
3. Chairs and programs on them
Wedding is an event that is prepared so thoroughly. Beautiful programs, simple and neat or decorated chairs are also a part of the celebration. Being able to look at these details after the wedding day is such a pleasure for the newlyweds. We capture the details of the wedding, as they create a special atmosphere and style of the ceremony.
4. Flower girl and ring bearer walking down the aisle
Here come the cutest participants of the ceremony! They will melt your heart whether you attended the ceremony or see them only in the photos.
5. Bride and her father before walking down the aisle
This is a very touching moment. The father of the bride walks his little girl to the aisle. This is the last moment he walks together with the unmarried daughter.
6. Veil shot from behind
Whether the wedding day is windy or not, the veil always looks so beautiful. We shoot the bride with her father from behind to show the beauty of the bride’s image and provide the couple with variously taken photos.
7. Groom reaction to the bride
This one is so pure. The sincere emotions of the groom seeing the love of his life walking towards him are priceless. We try to take a close up photo, so the tears in his eyes are visible.
8. Father giving away the bride
The interaction between the couple and the bride’s father is also very emotional. We capture it to show the tenderness and love of the man, giving away his lovely daughter.
9. Couple at altar
Here we tend to take wide shots of the ceremony, mainly focusing on the couple. It allows us to capture the venue with its decoration and the participants of the wedding. We try to shoot from different angles to show various sides of the ceremony. It works amazing for both indoors and outdoors weddings.
10. Wide shot of wedding party standing
Another wide shot, but with the focus on the wedding party. We also try to shoot from the bride side and from the groom side. The lined up people add some balance to the photo.
11. Exchange of vows
The process of exchanging vows allows us to capture the face expression of the speaking person. As sometimes speaking can be challenging, we take a lot of photos and then choose the best ones.
12. Exchange of rings
The exchange of rings also results in multiple photos. We usually tell the couple to do it slowly, so we can catch the right moment and show not only the rings, but also the faces of the newlyweds. Me and my second shooter take photos from different places to ensure the maximum variety of angles.
13. First kiss
This is it! The first kiss of the married couple. We shoot this amazing moment from different distances and try to show the bridal party reactions.
14. First kiss from the side of bride and groom
If you’d like to have this photo, please let us know in advance. We will discuss it with your officiant. Once the couple is declared married, the officiant is about to step away and let me take a first kiss photo. We need a little preparation just to make it right.
15. Recessional photos
Here we capture a married couple walking away from the aisle. This is a very emotional moment, as everybody cheers up the couple and the newlyweds are so happy.
16. Audience reaction to ceremony moments
As the wedding includes a lot of people, we also capture their reactions to the key moments, such as vows or rings exchange and the first kiss.
17. Groom dipping bride for kiss
This picture is emotional and stunning, like a movie scene. To take it, we usually ask the couple to walk the last row of the chairs and then pose for the photo. If the couple feels like they need my guidance, I will let them know when to dip the bride for the kiss. Thus, the couple will be on the foreground of the photo and other people will compose the background for the kissing couple.
18. Candid moments after the ceremony
The most precious moments of the ceremony can never be staged. All the kissing, hugging, happy tears and other emotions are to be caught by wedding photographers. They are so heartwarming and sincere.
19. Signing marriage license
We also capture the process of marriage license signing. If you feel like being a bit goofy and taking silly pictures, we will share with you our ideas. That will add some fun to the formal process.
Family photos
We can’t imagine a wedding shot list without family photos. Cheesy or classic, they depict your relatives enjoying this wonderful day with you. Here we would like to share a tip: it would be helpful to have a person from each side, who knows the face of every relative you’d like to be photographed with. The helper just needs to ask the relative to come to the photo session spot. No need to help with posing or anything else. Depending on the list of people, this photo shooting varies from 15 to 30 minutes.
1. Bride and groom with parents (all together)
Usually we take full length photos, so the stylish gowns of participants and the venue decorations are visible. We take waist ups as well, they allow us to see the eyes shining with happiness. If people are in the right mood, we can shoot some funny pictures. It’s always nice to see the couple having fun with their parents.
2. Bride and groom with parents and relatives
Before the wedding photo session, we ask the couple to compose all combinations of relatives they would like to see in the photos. As we do not know anything about the relationships inside of the family, it would be good if during the rehearsal dinner you inform your relatives that they are to be in the wedding photos. Thus they should stay with you after the ceremony for a short photo session. If it feels like you have a lot of combinations of close friends and relatives with whom you’d like to take classic pictures after the ceremony, having a person who knows all the participants of the session would be a great help for us. This person can help us to speed up the photo shooting process. The faster we finish this part of the photo session, the more time the couple will have for their own photo session or for enjoying a cocktail hour.
3. Bride and groom with grandparents
Making a family wedding photos list, we suggest you put the grandparents and people with children at the very beginning. It may be hard for them to wait their turn. Same for the people who can experience difficulties while walking or standing. We tend to photograph them at first, so they could be seated with no need to wait in line.
4. Bride and groom with siblings
Touching, cheesy or classic – we can take all these pictures with your siblings. Based on the list the couple composed for us, we do our best to take all the necessary pictures, while maintaining the highest quality of them.
Cocktail hour
We try to arrange our work in a wedding photography timeline in a way that allows one of us to take photos during the whole cocktail hour. Thus we can have the maximum possible number of guests photos. We acknowledge the importance of every person invited. All of them will be glad to have a professionally taken photo as a reminder for them being a part of your special day.
1. Close up of food
The various foods at the wedding looks like a piece of art. While one photographer takes photos of the guests and couple, the other one photographs food and decoration. As the newlyweds usually have no time to try all the dishes, at least they get a beautiful photo of them.
2. Guest pictures
We always take a lot of photos of guests at the wedding. Most of them enjoy being photographed, especially those who put a lot of effort in choosing the right outfit and do the hair or makeup. We take group photos or couples photos. We also take photos by request, so no one is left unattended.
3. Candid moments
Aside from all the staged photos, we also pay attention to the natural interaction between people. We do not bother guests and take these photos from a distance. If we shoot in the evening, the venue has festive lighting, the atmosphere is sort of magical. The daytime photos, in turn, show us the venue landscapes and the guests’ communication.
Reception photos
This is a very significant part of the wedding. It takes at least half of the wedding day. Here you will see a lot of candid photos. As Charleston wedding photographers, we manage to stay close to the newlyweds, while not bothering them by our presence. However we never take photos of the couple having their meal, as we know nobody who wants to be photographed like that.
1. Venue exterior during the day
When the sun sets but it’s still enough light, we capture the overall venue from a distance. Being in the center of celebration, you may not have a chance to observe the beauty of the place you’re at. Here come the professional photographers, who will capture the venue’s exterior, so you can enjoy it after the wedding day.
2. Venue exterior during the night
Every venue is beautifully decorated on a wedding day. Garlands, lanterns or candles may be the source of the light when the sun comes down. This is one more option for you to enjoy the beautiful location years after that special day.
3. Seating chart display
This is a detail shot. As we mentioned above, every tiny detail of your wedding is made with love and creativity. Beauty is everywhere. And we capture it to preserve for you and your beloved.
4. Bar area
Bar decoration also deserves our attention, whether it has some creative or funny pieces or not. Bar area is not only the source of tasty drinks, but also a contribution to the event style. It tends to match the wedding aesthetic and attract your guests.
5. Signature cocktails
Below you may see cute stands with signature cocktails. We just can’t avoid capturing these nice details. So if you consider having stands for signature cocktails, we will take photos of it.
6. Ice sculpture
We do not see this type of decoration very often, yet it can inspire you to have something like that at your wedding. It will look even more spectacular if you add creative lighting.
7. Bride and groom reaction for reception space
If there is a chance to show the reception space to the newlyweds before the guests come in. we will do it and capture their reaction. It is such a pleasure to see the beautifully decorated space on that special day.
8. Reception space
We always take wide shots of the reception space with no guests. Amazing lighting and decoration will leave you speechless once you see it. We also pay attention to the details, such as flowers on the tables and other beautiful pieces.
9. Head table
The newlyweds table is a masterpiece. We shoot it from different distances and sides to capture the thoroughly created beauty.
10. Guests tables
Guests’ tables and their decor are also to be photographed on this special day. Neat and stylish tables create a festive atmosphere. We also capture the decoration details, such as menus, plates or flowers.
11. Wedding cake and cake topper
There is always some idea or a story behind the cake decoration. Look carefully and you will notice nice and meaningful details. Cake can be related to your love story or something important for your couple. We take photos of the cake from a distance, so the whole composition is visible. And we also shoot the details, as they have a special meaning for the newlyweds.
12. Bride and groom making entrance
The couple’s entrance and the people’s reaction to them are so worth capturing! This is the source of sincere emotions. Whether you are planning a creative or classic entrance, we will shoot this candid moment.
13. Bridal Party making entrance
Taking photos of happy people, who enter the celebration space to share the joy with the newlyweds is so amazing. It results in multiple non-staged photos, where people just have fun and greet the guests.
14. Bride and groom first dance
This is a very special and touching moment – the first dance of a married couple. The emotions and interaction between two people are full of love and tenderness for each other. We make full length and close up shots of the first dance and also capture the guests’ reaction for it.
15. Bride dancing with her father
Another dance we love photographing is the dance of father and daughter. Dancing with the child is a very important moment for every parent. Sharing the happiness, celebrating the beginning of a family life, this moment has a huge emotional value for the entire family. We try not to bother the dancers while shooting.
16. Groom dancing with his mother
One more significant dance for us to capture. The dance with the parent symbolizes a bond between parent and child, as well as the transition to the new family. We try to preserve this touching moment and take photos from various distances. We believe these memories are priceless for both families and they’ll be happy to look at the photos in their wedding albums.
17. Speeches
Although the photo can’t capture the words of the speaker, it can show the expressions of the couple’s faces. We totally understand that the face of the speaking person may not always look nice, so we take a lot of photos, choosing the best ones after the wedding. We try to capture the sincere reaction of the newlyweds, listening to the speech, and other touching moments.
18. Guests reaction for wedding toast
Wedding day is all about celebration and happiness. Seeing guests’ reaction for the toasts proves it. Such pictures, whether they look funny or heartwarming, add more authenticity to the event.
19. Candid moments of reception
Kisses, hugs, people having fun – we try to capture all these candid moments. Working together with the second shooter, we manage to take a lot of photos. Having our main focus on the newlyweds, we still photograph all the participants of the celebration.
20. Smoking cigars
Cigars give out some kind of classic movie aesthetic to the event. If you feel like this prop is suitable for your wedding, then you will have a photo like below – stylish and relaxed.
21. Champagne tower
This element looks so festive. If you plan to have a champagne tower at your wedding, it will result in stunning photos. Here we’d like to recommend having a bigger bottle of champagne or a couple of bottles, so you could pour more glasses.
22. Cake cutting
This significant moment of the wedding is always captured by the wedding photographers. We shoot the couple near the cake, the cutting process, the feeding/smashing process. It’s up to you whether you’d like to perform the cake smashing tradition at the wedding or not.
23. Pictures with champagne glasses
We also tend to take photos of the newlyweds with champagne glasses. If you are not planning to perform any creative drinking rituals, then we will take a classic front shot of the couple with glasses. In case you perform anything fun or creative, we will be happy to capture it for you.
24. Bouquet toss
This is another lighthearted and fun moment during the wedding reception. It symbolizes passing on the bride’s good fortune and happiness to another unmarried woman. The bouquet toss often results in spontaneous and candid reactions from both the bride and the guests.
25. Reaction for removing the garter
Garter removal is more like a playful and romantic tradition. If you plan to perform it, we will capture the process and guests’ reaction. Capturing this moment allows the couple to document a romantic exchange that reflects their love for each other.
26. Garter tossing
The garter toss at a wedding is a lively tradition that adds an entertaining element to the celebration. Photography preserves the joy and laughter of guests, creating memorable images that reflect the fun and spontaneity of the event.
27. Dancing
Photos of dancing people at a wedding depict the infectious energy and joy of the celebration. The candid moments on the dance floor reflect the genuine emotions and connections shared on this special day.
28. Bride and groom last dance
Capturing the bride and groom’s last dance at the wedding encapsulates the culmination of their special day, symbolizing their love and commitment. These photos hold sentimental value, serving as a timeless reminder of their dance as a married couple.
29. Wedding exit with glow light
There are a lot of options for the couple’s exit decoration. One of them is glow sticks. They are bright, safe and last longer than sparklers, as they have batteries inside. We can take as many photos as we want, glow sticks won’t fade so fast. Also, they can be used indoors, as they are safe. So if you plan to arrange the wedding exit indoors, this is a very good option for you.
30. Exit sparklers
Sparklers are more of a classical exit option for the wedding. Yet here we have limited time for shooting, as they will finish the burning. Also, sparklers can’t be used indoors. But they look so good outdoors, the photos turn out irresistible. Although it’s hard to get any burns by sparklers, please do not neglect safety while using them.
31. Exit bubbles
Bubbles look so nice, just make sure there is no wind. We’d recommend bubbles for indoor exit – in case of a windy evening, they will be easily blown away and it will be much more difficult to take a picture of them.
32. Newlyweds leaving by car
Photos next to the car or inside of it tend to look so stylish. Depending on how much time we have, we take multiple photos near the car and in the car. These pictures symbolize a beginning of the couple’s new life together. They serve as a poignant reminder of their joyful departure, marking the start of their shared adventure.
We hope you’ve found inspiration and new ideas in our text. We’ve included a lot in this wedding photography checklist, so you may find something you haven’t considered yet. Based on the article you can compose your own shooting list that will show all sides of your wedding day. Although, sometimes we’ve showed just one example, there are always different ways for taking pictures. We can work in various styles and take staged or spontaneous photos. Also we are always open to new ideas. So if there is something you haven’t found in this wedding shot list, just let us know. Together we will make the most of our creativity.
If you like the list we’ve made, use the below contact form to get it in pdf or docx format. You can make notes in it or discuss it with your wedding photographer.

Article author:
Dennis A. / Lead Photographer