During my work as a professional photographer in Charleston I’ve had so many engagement sessions. And each has been absolutely unique so that I can hardly forget at least one of them. And this proposal session is not an exception.

Charleston engagement session

Only with words I can’t explain how I enjoyed working with these guys! Lauren and John decided to hold their engagement near Pineapple fountain, which was a fantastic decision! Pineapple fountain is not only a popular tourist spot, but one of the most unique and interesting places for taking romantic and wonderful pictures. Trust my words!

The couple was fascinating and very easy-going. They met in high school while on a band trip to Indianapolis. The day they were leaving John was sitting behind Lauren and got to know her really well. They have been inseparable ever since.

Lauren and John have been together for a little over 7 years now. In 5 years, they hope to have their own house and plan to start a family. And I hope to help them to catch the most unforgettable moments of their future!

While looking at their pictures I am sure you can feel their emotions and endless love to each other. In spite of the fact that the date wasn’t very sunny I see the light coming from Lauren and John! You can also feel how gently they treat each other while reading the story John has shared with me, “In August lauren started her internship in Jacksonville. I decided to drive down there and fly back to have a few extra hours with her. While sitting at the bar in the Jacksonville airport I received a text from delta. I have never been more happy to have a flight home cancelled because it meant I could spend another night with her before being long distance for 9 more months

Thank you so much for such a beautiful and romantic session! I am sure your future life together will be full of light!

We are working professionally in engagement and wedding photography. Find out more about our offer on these services: here you can learn more about the services of wedding photographer and here about the engagement photographer services.

    Dennis Aliaksandrou: The Charleston Wedding Photographer

    Article author: Dennis A. / Lead Photographer